Salujame replied

338 weeks ago

I Love Kuduro Full Movie Torrent > DOWNLOAD

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Kuduro, which literally translates as hard ass, is an urban cultural movement that was born in Angola during the last decade of the country 30year Civil War. Created in discos and raves in downtown Luanda through a blending of House, Techno beats and traditional Angolan rhythms, Kuduro music and dance spilled over from the capital city to the suburbs. It rapidly spread throughout Angola, and then across Africa. It is now becoming popular around the world. I LOVE KUDURO follows the most idolized stars of this urban phenomenon including Cabo Snoop, Os Namayer, Francis Boy, Titica, and Os Lambas, that today influences scores of young Africans, musically, in fashion, and overall lifestyle.
Kuduro (literally meaning 'hard arse') is an urban cultural movement that was born in Angola during the last decade of the Civil War. Created in discos and raves in downtown Luanda through a mixture between House and Techno beats and traditional Angolan rhythms, Kuduro spilled over from the center to the suburbs. It rapidly spread throughout Angola, through Africa and now all over the world. 'I LOVE KUDURO' follows the most idolized stars of this urban phenomena that today influences scores of young Africans.

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